Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ruth Chapter 4

Boaz is a beautiful picture of Christ as our Redeemer.

Our Redeemer is:
·          Ruth 4:6 - The nearer kinsman said he cannot redeem when in actual fact, he will not because he was afraid it would mar his own inheritance.
·          The Lord Jesus is willing to redeem us (compare with Matt 8:2-3; John 10:18 and contrast with 2 Pet 3:9).

·          Ruth 4:9-10 - We see that Boaz was able to redeem all including Ruth.
·          In Ruth 2:1, Boaz is described as “a mighty man of wealth” or “a man of good standing”. The description would include wealth, virtue and strength (Strong’s).
·          The Lord Jesus is able to redeem us (Eph 2:4 – wealth; 1 Pet 1:19 – virtue; Heb 7:25 & Jude 24 – strength).

·          When we compare Ruth 4:6 and Ruth 4:10, we see that Boaz was not concerned about his own inheritance nor was he concerned about his reputation for redeeming a Moabitess.
·          The Lord Jesus is sacrificial to redeem us (2 Cor 8:9; Phil 2:6-7; Jn 10:11).

·          The 5 occurrences of the description “Ruth the Moabitess” in the book is not by accident. In Ruth 4:10 we see that Boaz emphasizes the roots of the woman he is taking to wife. He is gracious towards the one who is condemned (c.f. Deut 23:3).
·          The Lord Jesus is gracious to redeem us (Eph 1:6; 2:5-7; 3:8).

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