Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Beneath Thy Cross

Am I a stone, and not a sheep,
That I can stand, O Christ, beneath thy cross,
To number drop by drop Thy Blood's slow loss,
And yet not weep?

Not so those women loved
Who with exceeding grief lamented Thee;
Not so fallen Peter weeping bitterly;
Not so the thief was moved;

Not so the Sun and Moon
Which hid their faces in a starless sky,
A horror of great darkness at broad noon--
I, only I.

Yet give not o'er,
But seek Thy sheep, true Shepherd of the flock;
Greater than Moses, turn and look once more
And smite a rock. 

Christina Georgina Rossetti (1830-1894) 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Matthew - The King's Person

Matthew 1 - Birth of the King
The Son of David, The Son of Abraham (Matt 1:1)
Greatness: He is God (Matt 1:23)
Grace: He is God with us (Matt 1:23)

Matthew 2 - Bethlehem of Judaea
The Son out of Egypt (Matt 2:15)
Greatness: He is worshipped as one born King (Matt 2:2)
Grace: He subjects Himself to the care of earthly parents (Matt 2:14-15)

Matthew 3 - Baptism of repentance
The Son of the Father (Matt 3:17)
Greatness: He is the Lord for whom John prepared the way (Matt 3:3)
Grace: He subjects Himself to being baptised by John (Matt 3:15) 

Matthew 4 - Beginning of the ministry
The Son of God (Matt 4:3, 6)
Greatness: He is in control of everything He created (Matt 4:24)
Grace: He subjects Himself to being tempted by His creation (Matt 4:1)

Outline of Matthew

The King's Person (Matt 1:1 - 4:25)
The King's Principles (Matt 5:1 - 7:29)
The King's Power (Matt 8:1 - 12:50)
The King's Programme (Matt 13:1 - 23:39)
The King's Prophecies (Matt 24:1 - 25:46)
The King's Passion (Matt 26:1 - 28:20)

* This outline is borrowed but I can't remember its source.

Saturday, May 05, 2012


Once my hands were always trying, 
Trying hard to do my best; 
Now my heart is sweetly trusting,
And my soul is all at rest.

Once my brain was always planning,
And my heart, with cares oppressed;
Now I trust the Lord to lead me, 
And my life is all at rest. 

Once my life was full of effort,
Now 'tis full of joy and zest;
Since I took His yoke upon me,
Jesus gives to me His rest. 

A. B. Simpson