Saturday, June 11, 2022

Gems from my reading

Now the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always by all means. - 2 Thessalonians 3:16

As we read the lovely words, we can hear the voice of the Saviour on that most awful night, the night in which He was betrayed, in the midst of the onslaught such as demons and men had never mounted before. As hell itself had already prepared for the conflict, as the vile heart of man was now exposed in unspeakable treachery, and even as the sword of God's holy justice lay bare, in absolute calmness of soul, and looking upon that little band of perplexed and anxious men, with eyes full of tender compassion, the Lord of peace Himself had breathed those words of comfort which came with undiminished sweetness down the centuries, "My peace I give unto you."

- T. W. Smith (What the Bible Teaches - 2 Thessalonians)

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