Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Lonely Olive Mill

O child of God, are you being crushed
`Neath trial, pain or woe?
No eye to pity, no ear to hear,
No voice to whisper low?

Alone in your Gethsemane,
Christ watches with you there.
He will not suffer one ounce of weight
More than your strength can bear.

He chasteneth but to purify;
He crusheth but to raise;
In love he worketh his blessed will
To his glory’s endless praise.

In our affliction, afflicted still
He leaveth us not alone;
He will not forget, he will not forsake,
He is mindful of his own.

Annie Johnson Flint
(part of the whole poem)

How beautiful the character of our Saviour! Those He loved could not watch with Him one single hour, leaving Him alone in His Gethsemane. But He now watches with His loved ones all the time through their place of oil-press, never leaving them alone.


Jasper said...

You Sir never cease to amaze me.

God Bless!

Jaya said...

really? well, Christ never ceases to amaze me. ;)