Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. - Matt. 11:28
And I will give unto them eternal life; and they shall neverperish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. - John 10:28
There is a voice through earth's wild clamor calling,
To all the heavy laden and oppressed
Sweet as the cooling dew at even calling:
"Come unto Me and rest."
It is the voice of Jesus, still entreating,
To all the comforless and all sad;
Day after day His tender call repeating,
"Come unto Me and I will make you glad."
There is a hand outstretched in tenderest pity
Where all the weary and the wondering roam.
Waiting to lead them to the heavenly city,
To bring the homeless home.
It is the hand of Jesus, still upholding,
Strong to deliver, mighty still to keep;
And none shall pluck from out that safe unfolding
The weakest one of all His blood-bought sheep.
There is a Form that walks life's stormy ocean,
Bidding the noise of tempest cease;
Crying along through all the wild commotion,
"In Me ye shall have peace."
Oh it is Jesus comming o'er the waters,
As once He walked the waves of Galilee,
Speaking to all earth's shipwrecked sons and daughters,
"Be not afriad, have faith, have faith in Me."
There is a Love that longs with deep affection
To gather all the sin-sick sons of men,
Beneath its wings of shelter and protection,
And give them health again.
It is the love of Jesus, sweet with longing,
His full salvation to the world to give;
Crying to all the dead, earth's highways thronging,
"Come unto Me, come unto Me and live."
Annie Johnson Flint
Her poems are beautiful. Thank you for sharing
one of my favorite poets. you're welcome. ;)
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