Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Borrowed from Choice Gleanings

Lord's Day

The LORD deal kindly with you. - Ruth 1:8

The lovely virtue of kindness is stated three times in the book of Ruth. It first appears as the kindness of Jehovah (1:8); secondly it is found in the kindness of Boaz toward Ruth (2:20); and finally kindness is seen from Ruth toward Boaz (3:10). First, in a pagan land God shows kindness toward the cursed; next, in the fields of Jerusalem a wealthy man shows it to a stranger; and finally at his feet the recipient returns it again. What a beautiful progression of God’s kindness at work for and in us (Rom. 2:4): first from the Father, then from our Kinsman-Redeemer, and these in turn prompting our response back to our spiritual Boaz, the Lord Jesus Christ. -- Sam Thorpe

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