Saturday, June 21, 2008

In Quietness and Confidence Shall Be Your Strength

Let nothing make thee sad or fretful,
Or too regretful,
Be still.
What God hath ordered must be right,
Then find in this thine own delight,
His will.

Why shouldst thou fill today with sorrow
About tomorrow
My heart?
One watches all with care most true;
Doubt not that He will give thee, too,
Thy part.

Only be steadfast; never waver
Nor seek earth's favor
But rest.
Thou knowest what God's will must be
For all His children, so for thee -
The best.

Paul Fleming (A. D. 1609-40)


Anonymous said...

Hey sir..i really like this site :)
It was never until I surrendered my life to Jesus, that I found my true meaning in life..His will becomes clearer to me each day :) though I still fall sometimes..

Jaya said...

hey rachel. i know exactly what you mean. when you realise this then the words of that loved hymn comes to life. "i once was lost but now am found." :)

Anonymous said...'s funny though, I'm born in a Christian family, been to church all my life, but never actually felt Jesus's presence and love until sometime last was like a turning point in my life,hard to explain here..maybe I'll tell u about it when I have the chance..

Jaya said...

sure i'll ask you when i see you if i remember. :)

Anonymous said...

I had not checked your blog in a week, but it is good to see your post. :)

It seems as if God sent that for me. My world turned upside-down these last few weeks, and though my mind knows that God loves me as His child, I can't hear it enough. It is the one thing I hold on to right now.

Jaya said...

hi joy. am glad you came back. mind me asking what happened? maybe i can pray for you.